On Monday Ocean City had its annual lifeguard races. The races were series of boat and swimming races at 59th street. The teams were broken down into 4 zones.
Each zone came in custom T-shirts. Some of the shirts were elaborate.
Others weren't.
The first race was a solo relay boat ride to a flag in the ocean and back. There were four legs of the race. There were no divisions in the boat race, so men, women and the senior life guards all competed against each other.
The other teammates not racing were allowed to help turn the boat around when the riders changed and helped drag the boat past the finish line.
The next event was a swim out to a marker in the ocean. After watching this race I realized that i could never cut it as a lifeguard.
The swim was also a relay. During the final leg it was neck to neck on the way in.
After securing his victory by breaking away from the other racer, the lifeguard decided to taunt his opponent by running to the finish life backwards.
After crossing the line the winner held two fingers up to rub in the fact that his team was two for two for the day.

The third race was a paddle board race. But because I had to run and get a new memory card i didn't get any pictures of it. Note to self always carry extra cards in your pocket.
The last race was the duo boat race. Like all events it was a relay.
Everytime the boats hit a wave they would go flying straight up.

During one of the paddler switches, one zone tipped their boat and took on water.
They were yelling for a bucket to bail it out until they relized that they can just flip the boat over. Too bad the delay cost them the race.
The racers had to jump out of the boat and run past the finish line while there team carried the boat past the line. The hustle payed off and there team won the race.

Th second places team finished strong evan though they had already watched the other team win.

With any beach event there are tons of girls there watching the lifeguard. This event had its fair share of them.