Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ocean City

I went to Ocean City, NJ yesterday and took some pictures in the late afternoon. I shot these pictures around 5th and 6th street with the exception of the last one.

Both of these pictures are from Wonderland. I wanted to shoot some of the rides but keep the backgrounds clean. The only way to do that was to shoot up and use the sky as clean background.

I like this shot but I think it would be better later in the day when the ferris wheel is lit up and the sky is more colorful.

These rocks are part of the jetty around 5th street. They are part of a long term project I have been working on.

I saw this bird in the wetland near the 34 street bridge. I stopped because the bird looked like an eagle from the car. When i got out I realized it wasn't an eagle but a hawk (at least i think its a hawk.) I didn't realize until i loaded the picture up on my computer that the bird is holding a fish it just caught in its talon.

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